As an attorney who specializes in health care law, I have had the privilege of representing hospitals and physicians on a daily basis throughout my legal career. I spend most days strategizing with and counseling health care clients, negotiating transactions, attempting to draft the perfect legal contracts and assisting them in complying with the many regulatory requirements that govern the health care industry.
Having run the Boston Marathon in 2013 and witnessed the bombings first hand, and preparing to travel to Boston this week to run the historic 118th Boston Marathon on April 21, 2014, I am reminded of the heroic acts of the first responders, hospitals and physicians who treated the wounded and dying in Boston in the aftermath of the bombings. I am grateful not only for what they did last year in Boston, but for what our local health care providers do each and every day. I am proud to serve as legal counsel to those who provide such a significant service to our community.
About the Author

Ted Barron is a member of KDDK’s Health Care Law practice team. He counsels numerous health care clients including hospitals, joint ventures, surgery centers, physicians, physician groups, rehabilitation centers, and mental health centers on contractual matters, regulatory and compliance issues, various operational matters, and employment issues.