KDDK Offering FREE Seminar – “Supply Contracts & Purchase Orders: Why the Boilerplate Really Matters” – Thursday, May 15th

Suppliers and customers often pay little attention to the general terms and conditions of sale – the “boilerplate” – found in supply contracts and other business forms. But if a dispute arises between the parties, these terms and conditions are critical in determining your rights and a business’s liability exposure.

In this FREE seminar, KDDK business law attorneys will discuss the importance of negotiating into supply and purchase forms protective terms such as liability limitations, indemnities, dispute resolution jurisdiction, and implied warranty and consequential damages disclaimers. We will provide tips for how to effectively include such key terms in purchase order, quote, acknowledgement, and invoice forms used daily by your purchasing and sales teams.


Thursday, May 15, 2014
7:30 a.m.: Registration/Breakfast
8:00 – 9:30 a.m.: Seminar/Q&A


Kahn, Dees, Donovan & Kahn, LLP
Conference Center (Lower Level)
501 Main St.,  Evansville, IN  47708






Please RSVP to Katy Nimnicht at knimnicht@KDDK.com.

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