The Office for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education is currently investigating more than 105 colleges and universities regarding allegations that they have failed in compliance with their Title IX obligations. Likely in an effort to stem the tide of new incidents, the Department of Education released a new Dear Colleague Letter on April 24, 2015, to refresh institutions on their responsibilities under Title IX. The focus of this guidance is on the importance of designating a Title IX coordinator who is properly trained, accessible to employees, and granted autonomous authority by the institution.
This 2015 Dear Colleague Letter incorporates the previous 2011 Dear Colleague Letter, and also provides additional clarification and recommendations to both institutional leadership and Title IX coordinators. This Letter reinforces to educational institutions the essential role Title IX coordinators play in helping ensure that students, parents, employees, applicants for admission, applicants for employment, and every other person affected by the educational institution’s operations is aware of Title IX rights; and that the institution and its officials comply with their Title IX legal obligations.
To read the letter in its entirety, please click here.
For additional information, please contact any member of the KDDK education law practice team or call (812) 423-3183.