In 2005, taxpayers owed Indiana nearly $1.6 billion in unpaid taxes. In an effort to raise revenue, then-Governor Mitch Daniels authorized Indiana’s first ever tax amnesty program.
The program was simple: if individuals or businesses would pay their overdue taxes, the Indiana Department of Revenue would remove all penalties, interest, collection fees, and tax liens associated with the overdue taxes. In nine months’ time, Indiana generated more than $244 million in actual cash from this program, which surpassed the program’s original goal of collecting $65 million.
Given the success of that program, Governor Mike Pence signed into law House Enrolled Act 1001, which authorizes Tax Amnesty 2015. Under Tax Amnesty 2015, all existing taxes managed by the Indiana Department of Revenue, for periods prior to January 1, 2013, are eligible. This amnesty program ends November 16, 2015.
To learn more about Tax Amnesty 2015 and whether you or your business qualify for tax amnesty, please contact attorney Matt Malcolm at or (812) 423-3183, or contact any member of the KDDK business law practice team.
About the Author
Matthew D. Malcolm, an attorney at Kahn, Dees, Donovan & Kahn, LLP, in Evansville, Indiana, practices business law, economic development law, real estate law, and creditors’ rights and collections law in the State of Indiana. Focusing on results, he is interested in meeting each client’s needs and providing quality counsel.