Today, the Indiana Supreme Court traveled to Evansville, Indiana, to hear oral arguments on whether a juvenile can be questioned by police at school without receiving the Miranda warnings. The answer depends on whether the juvenile is being questioned by police in a “custodial interrogation,” meaning whether the juvenile is in police custody. If so,...Read More
There’s good news on the horizon for 2018 rezonings of property in the City of Evansville and in Vanderburgh County. The Area Plan Commission has announced that, after the first of the year, the time frame for the rezoning process will be trimmed in half – from around 90 days to 45 days. Also, the...Read More
While it is commonly held that land use and zoning analysis for a new development – or new use of an existing development – should begin during the site selection process, there is a common misconception that only the owner of a property can seek a rezoning or other land use approvals. Actually, a prospective...Read More
Winter is a good time to work on due diligence and land use planning for spring construction projects. Assessing prospective sites for suitability for your project, working through the due diligence needed before making a purchase (such as environmental, survey, title and appraisal analyses) and actually making the purchase can be a several-month process. Likewise, obtaining a rezoning,...Read More
The Indiana Court of Appeals has ruled that a guardian has no authority under state law to pursue a dissolution of marriage on behalf of a ward. In the decision of Tillman v. Tillman, (Ind. Ct. App., July 3, 2013, trans. pending), 2013, a guardian filed for divorce on behalf of her incapacitated father. The...Read More
Mediation as a confidential means of dispute resolution was recently called into question by an Indiana Court of Appeals case which held that statements one party had made in mediation could be used in Court as evidence to explain and challenge an alleged mistake in the parties’ final settlement agreement. The Indiana Supreme Court has...Read More
On March 19, 2012, the Governor of Indiana signed into law an amendment to Indiana statute providing that the duty to pay regular (non-educational) child support ceases at age 19 instead of age 21, effective July 1, 2012. Educational support orders entered after July 1, 2012 can extend beyond age 19 but they must be...Read More