The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has seen a number of challenges since its passage in 2010. In continuing this trend, the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments on the latest challenge to the law at the end of March, this time from the Little Sisters of the Poor. At issue was the...Read More
Congress has approved, and President Obama has signed, a sweeping spending package that would delay or suspend the Affordable Care Act’s “Cadillac tax,” medical device tax, and health insurance tax. The changes are generally seen as a significant blow to the ACA – one that could embolden those seeking to further undercut the health law. The spending...Read More
On October 1, 2015, Congress passed the Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees (PACE) Act. PACE repeals the mandated expansion of the definition of “small employer” under the Affordable Care Act from 50 to 100 employees. Previously, the Affordable Care Act had included a provision changing the definition of a “small employer” from 50 or fewer...Read More
The Indiana 2015 Tax Amnesty Program, which ends on November 16, 2015, offers Indiana residents an opportunity to pay unpaid Indiana taxes without having to pay penalties, interest and collection fees. The incentive is clear, but many Indiana residents have been receiving notifications from the Indiana Department of Revenue stating eligibility for this program when,...Read More
In 2005, taxpayers owed Indiana nearly $1.6 billion in unpaid taxes. In an effort to raise revenue, then-Governor Mitch Daniels authorized Indiana’s first ever tax amnesty program. The program was simple: if individuals or businesses would pay their overdue taxes, the Indiana Department of Revenue would remove all penalties, interest, collection fees, and tax liens...Read More
The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, which includes Indiana, recently ruled that a purchaser of a retail auto parts business was a “successor employer” of the previous owner and, as a result, was required to make higher unemployment benefit contributions (See D & D NAPA, Inc. v. Unemployment Insurance Appeals of the Indiana Dept. of...Read More
On Monday, July 27, 2015, in the case of Tsareff v. ManWeb Services, Inc., the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals (which includes Indiana and Illinois) ruled that an engineering and construction company that entered into an agreement to purchase the assets of another contractor (that was a party to a collective bargaining agreement) may be liable...Read More
Last Thursday, the United States Supreme Court voted 6-3 in favor of the defendants in the case of King v. Burwell. In that case, the petitioners argued that the words, “an exchange established by the state” in the Affordable Care Act meant that only Americans purchasing health care coverage from a State-run exchange (such as...Read More
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]KDDK attorneys Steven M. Theising and Ashley R. Hollen will be featured at the Evansville-Area Human Resource Association’s March meeting, providing an anticipated 100+ EHRA members and guests with vital information through their seminar presentation of: “Labor Law and Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Update” A labor and employment law attorney with KDDK will provide updates, commentary and...Read More
The Fall/Winter 2014/2015 issue of the KDDK Advantage Newsletter, which provides timely legal information on a wide range of topics of interest to KDDK clients, is now available. Click to download PDF version» Would you like to receive news and information from KDDK in the future? Sign up now! 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Read More